A Month’s English Challenge

How to Improve Your English in 30 days

This challenge is to make you use your English more outside the classroom. Five days a week, for four weeks, I want you to do at least one thing from the list. Fill in the grid each day with what you have done. You can share what you have done and see what others come up with in #30daychallengeEE.

1. Use Facebook in English for at least 24 hours.
2. Watch a movie in English with no subtitles.
3. Watch a movie in English with English subtitles.
4. Listen to a podcast in English, e.g. Serial.
5. Read in an English novel for at least 20 min per day.
6. Write at least five text messages in English.
7. Watch TV news in English (using the internet works fine). Retell three important things from the news to someone else.
8. Read a blog in English.
9. Write a blog entry in English.
10. During a meal with family or friends, speak only English.
11. Make a room in your home the “English room”. Whenever you are in it, you may only speak English. Use this rule for at least 24 hours.
12. Take a walk with a friend or a member of your family for at least 30 minutes, speak English all the time.
13. Cook a meal using a recipe in English.
14. Practice lyrics from a song you like at LyricsTraining.com.
15. Chat with a stranger in English in a computer game for at least 10 minutes.
16. Find a new friend at Englishbaby.com and write to them in English.
17.Read a short story in English e.g. at Storywrite.com.
18. Spend at least 15 minutes practising vocabulary at BritishCouncil.org.
19. Make a short comic in English using Pixton or Powtoon. Feel free to work with a friend.
20. Watch a vlog in English and leave comments. Here’s a list of Famous Vloggers.
21. Make your own vlog entry.
22. Listen to news about Sweden in English at The Local.
23. Play at least three games with Akinator.
24. Talk/write to an avatar on Existor for at least 10 minutes.
25. Read or write a story in English at Storybird
26. Your own idea: Describe it.

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