Final Farewell

The time has come to say goodbye. After nine years of curating teaching materials and almost as many of writing weekly newsletters, I have decided to retire from WebEnglish.

Thank you for all the nice comments and cups of tea I have received so far.

Keep up the good work engaging your students and finding authentic materials and books that your students are interested in.

I will leave the site online but not update any of the links. When it is no longer helpful to anybody, I will delete it from the net.

Yours truly,


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian

This Theme Page is a Reading Guide to the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie, available in Suitable for level A.2.2 – B1. (year 8-9 and above in Sweden)

NB! If a video doesn’t show in your browser, click on the link below to go to YouTube.
Background information: You can learn a lot about Native Americans  here



Chapter 1

Read  Chapter 1. 

This is what a child born with “water on the brain” may look like.
This image shows what a seizure may entail.
You can also have a look at a vacuum, surgery, vulture, and orbit.
“To be susceptible to seizure activity” means that he could easily get another seizure.

After learning about any new words, you are advised to find them in the chapter to see how they were used. . If you are reading online, you can always search for the word in the text.

Look at Junior’s first drawing of himself. Check his

  • ten extra teeth pulled out
  • lopsided eyes and glasses
  • enormous skull
  • pencil body
  • huge hands and feet
  • stutter and lisp

Watch First Aid in Seizures in case you’ll ever see anybody having a seizure.
Listen to what the people in the video below say about the word ‘reservation‘ or “rez”, as Junior calls it.

All questions can be either discussed in class or written about as an assignment:

  • What were you thinking about the book after the very first paragraph? How did your thinking change towards the end of the chapter?
  • Read the last sentence of the chapter again. Junior uses a lot of figures of speech in his story. What do you think he means with the “dams and floods” and why does he call his cartoons “lifeboats”?
  • There are many more figures of speech in the first chapter and throughout the book. You could start writing the best or funniest ones down.

Reservation | Native Americans | One Word | Cut – YouTube (3:08) Cut invites people from different groups to weigh in on one word–and their responses show us just how complicated and unique we all are.


Chapter 2

Get acquainted with the Spokane Tribe on their website. Read about their history.

Take a look at what Kentucky Fried Chicken has to offer.
A mutt is a mix-breed dog and a stray one walks around with no apparent owner.

Junior calls himself an Indian. Think about what you would call him before watching this video:

‘Indian’ or ‘Native American’? – YouTube (1:27) What to call the aboriginal peoples of North America?


Chapter 3

Take a look at some teepees, and watch the video below to learn about a Powwow.
You can also have a look at a shovel and male Indian braids, and find out what hydro- means.

These are the cartoons Rowdy liked: Richie Rich and Archie and Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • What do you know about Junior’s family by now?
  • Why do you think Junior and Rowdy are inseparable?

As Long As We Dance – YouTube (3:52) “The drum is the heartbeat of the Indian people. You can feel it in your feet and it moves through your body and you can just feel it in your soul.”


Chapter 4

Take a look at some isosceles triangles, a womb, and a trailer of The Sopranos.
You can also find out what varsity, ambidextrous, and Witness Protection Program mean.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • What you can learn about Junior’s sister, by looking closely at her picture.
  • In the last paragraph and the picture below, Junior tells a story without the exact words. Make sure you understand what’s happening before starting the next chapter.

Chapter 5

In this chapter, Rowdy’s name is used in a sentence: “When I first started teaching here, that’s what we did to the rowdy ones, you know? We beat them.”

Watch the video below to learn about “Kill the Indian, save the man“.
See some covers of the kind of novels Mary wanted to write.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

    • Why did Junior throw the book?
    • What reasons can you think of for Mr P’s visit?

Kill the Indian, save the man – YouTube (2:24) …to help raise awareness to the history that’s not taught in schools, to honor the ancestors that survived and ones that crossed over during this period of Indian history.


Chapters 6-7

See the maps of Washington State and Spokane Reservation. Hunters lies northwest, Springdale northeast, and Reardan southeast of the reservation.

Learn about the first line in The Tale of Two Cities.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Can you think of a reason why the other Indians would hate Junior for transferring to Reardan?
  • What does the mentioning of The Tale of Two Cities tell us about Junior?
  • Look at the picture in the middle of Ch 7 and explain Junior’s hope.
  • See the picture at the end of Ch 7. Can you find a clue to the first question above?

Chapter 8

Look at Reardan School’s Website.  They have recently deleted the mascot from the page.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Look at the map of Spokane Reservation again and explain this: “I felt like a magician slicing myself in half, with Junior living on the north side of the Spokane River and Arnold living on the south”
  • What are the “fistfight rules” in your culture?
  • Why do you think Reardan School has deleted the mascot from their website?

Chapter 9

See what a farm tractor,  combine and grain truck look like
Check what it means to be an alpha dog.

If you read carefully the information about Grandmother around the picture of her, you’ll learn that she makes beaded keychains to sell on eBay. She calls them “Highly Sacred Aboriginal Transportation Charms.” Learn about the American Indian beading tradition in the video below.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • What do you think would have happened if Junior had just walked away from the bully?
  • Was Grandmother right?
  • How would you have handled the situation with the bully?
  • Roger called the motorbike ‘vintage‘. Discuss the different values Roger and Junior might have had for the Dad’s friend’s old motorbike.
  • Why does Penelope pretend not to recognize Junior?

Native American Beadwork – YouTube (2:20) After beads were first introduced to the Native Americans by the Europeans in the 16th century, they became a staple of Native American art.


Chapters 10-11

Take a look at an otter and an Indian warrior.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Have you ever been ‘trick or treating’? If you have, talk about it. Did you have costumes? When, where and with whom did you do it?

You can learn a lot more about Halloween here.

Chapter 12

Take a look at some zombies, zits, and petrified wood.
Check what these words mean: articulatesuffocatebubonic plague

Remember that after learning about any new words, you are advised to find them in the chapter to see how they were used. If you are reading online, you can always search for the word in the text.

Trading posts are like Indian shops.
Many Indian reservations have casinos. You can learn more about them in the video below.
Find the Flathead Indian Reservation and St. Ignatius on the map.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

    • Chapter 12 is the longest one so far. It could easily be divided into three parts. Where would you divide it and what would you call each part?
    • Look at the title of chapter 12: ‘Slouching Toward Thanksgiving’.  Why do you think the author made this into a long chapter?
    • Think about the pros and cons of running a casino on an Indian reservation.

“PWNA Indian Casinos – Easy Money Or Not What You Think MASTER – YouTube (2:24/5:31) The beauty and majesty of Native American reservations are masking a harsh reality.


Chapter 13-14

Find the words to ‘secede’ and ‘a suite’ in the text and see how Mary explains them.
Learn to pronounce the word ‘suite‘.

Have a look at some Indian fry bread.

You can learn the true story of Thanksgiving in this video. Use the CC subtitles.

The First Thanksgiving: What Really Happened – YouTube (stop at 4:06) An educational animation that tells the in-depth story surrounding the first “thanksgiving”. Use the CC subtitles.


Chapter 15

Check the meaning of scintillating, cinnamon, mutated, and smudge
If you’d also like to know the difference between anorexia and bulimia, you can watch this video about bulimia or scan through this article.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Why do you think Penelope chose to date Arnold?

Chapter 16

Read and/or listen to  Chapter 16 (3:58)

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Can you understand and explain why Gordy called Arnold racist for loving a white girl?
  • How was Gordy’s answer similar to Rowdy’s?

Watch this video to understand the dilemma.


Chapter 17

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • In this chapter, the author reveals the name of the book. Can you explain it now?
  • Look at the comic strip with five ways to answer if you are poor. Think about something sensitive that someone might ask you. How would you answer?
  • The chapter is called ‘Dance, dance, dance’. After the first dance is over, what are the other two (or more) ‘dances’ that Arnold gets this night? (Think metaphorically.)

Chapter 18

Check the meaning of being repressed,
What were the three different words used for somebody’s backside?
Check what these words mean: a preditorstarvation, and to banish

Remember that after learning about any new words, you are advised to find them in the chapter to see how they were used. If you are reading online, you can always search for the word in the text.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Explain why some Indians called Junior ‘an apple’.
  • What was Gordy trying to say that Arnold did not understand?
  • Are there any similar struggles in your life?

Chapters 19-20

Just a reminder of what varsity means.
Learn to know about Vince Lombardi by watching this video (3:17).

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

    • Can you decipher the name of the virus in the blue picture? Why is it spelt like that?
    • Discuss what Lombardi’s quote below would mean in your life: “The quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavour.”

The quality of a man’s life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence

Chapter 21

The Christmas song with a ‘Partridge in a Pear Tree’ is actually called ‘12 days of Christmas‘.

Watch this video about the common view of alcoholism among the Indians:

UA study shows the perception of binge drinking Native Americans isn’t reality – YouTube (2:23) Popular culture often depicts Native Americans in a negative fashion. A University of Arizona study finds this has little evidential backing.


Chapter 22

Do you want to know the size of the Grand Canyon?
Check the meaning of being eccentric, sacrifice, and invisible.
Learn when Mountain Gorillas were first found.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Do you know somebody who is really tolerant? Describe that person.
    OR What does tolerance mean to you?

Chapter 23

Learn what a wake is.
Have a look at some Powwow dance outfits.
Listen to an Indian Mourning / Memorial Song below; the kind that Mary probably would be singing on the day of the funeral.

Memorial Song – YouTube (1:59) Memorial Song · The Native Tribes United – American Indian Chant


Chapter 24

Look up the word ‘grief’ in different dictionaries (easiest online), like Junior did, and choose which definition you prefer.

See, who Euripides was. You can also read or watch a video (6:35) about his play Medea.

Something to think, talk, and write about:

  • Make a list of the people/musicians/foods or books that have given you the most joy in your life.

Chapter 25

Check the meaning of a totem pole, an egomaniac, to be burned at the stake

Learn about the Indian scouts who led the U.S. Cavalry against other Indians in the video below

If you are into basketball, you can listen to this news report (5:24) discussing the Red Lake Warriors, an all-Native American basketball team, 1998.

If you don’t know the story of David and Goliath, you can learn about it here (2:11).

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • Why did Junior/Arnold feel like an Indian scout?
  • How did Arnold feel after the game and why?
  • How did Junior feel after the game and why?

Fort Verde: The Indian Scouts – YouTube (3:25/9:51) The U.S. military used Native American Scouts in its southwestern operations. This video introduces the history of Indian Scouts and their relationship to Fort Verde State Historic Park, in Camp Verde, Arizona.

Chapter 26

Beware of the American meaning of the word faggot.

Questions to think, talk, and write about:

  • What’s the contradiction between the title and the chapter?
  • How could you interpret the title still to be true?

Chapter 27

Learn about Leo Tolstoi (2:23) and the opening sentence of his book Anna Karenina

See what a cantaloupe looks like.

Something to think, talk, and write about:

  • Look at the picture at the end of the chapter and explain how you understand it.

Chapter 28-29

Something to think, talk, and write about:

  • What was the big realization that made Junior/Arnold know that he was going to be okay?

Chapter 30

Read and/or listen to  Chapter 30 (25:09)

Something to think, talk, and write about:

  • How was the very last sentence meaningful? “We didn’t keep score.”

After Reading

If you google “an absolutely true diary of a part time indian trailer“, you get several examples of book trailer videos made by other students. These may inspire you to make your own, either by yourself or with some friends.

About the Author

Meet Sherman Alexie- YouTube (2:54) “When you find a book about abuse or any topic of pain that you so identify with, I mean, it becomes the most reliable friend you can have because a book is always going to be there,” muses Sherman Alexie.

Sherman Alexie – Backstage – YouTube (5:55) Sherman Alexie is a poet, short story writer, novelist, and performer who has won a PEN/Hemingway Citation for Best First Fiction, and the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature.


About the Natives

The Natives and the English – Crash Course US History #3 – YouTube (11:26) John Green teaches you about relations between the early English colonists and the native people encountered in the New World.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

First Notice of Retirement

Since retiring from teaching, I have gradually felt increasingly reluctant to continue producing WebEnglish. I will continue with the weekly Newsletters until the end of May, but I plan to cut down and only produce the Monthly Newsletters starting from August 2023 onwards. Time will tell when I will close the whole page, but I promise to give you a warning well ahead.

Daily News

A list of News Programs in alphabetical order that follow the daily news or offer lesson plans on popular news.

BBC News - YouTube

BBC News – YouTube to the official BBC News YouTube channel. Interested in global news with an impartial perspective? Want to see behind-the-scenes clips and footage directly from the front-line?

Breaking News English

Breaking News English News English Lessons: Free Lesson Plans for Current Events. FREE Handouts, Listening & Quizzes in Simple English – FREE, Printable Lesson Worksheets

Classroom - BTN

Classroom – BTN the News (more commonly known as BTN) is an Australian educational news program aimed at 10-13-year-old kids.

Watch Newsround - CBBC Newsround

CBBC Newsround Newsround – During the week this page is updated three times a day. (A2)

CBS News

CBS News is CBS News. Live news stream: Watch CBSN – free 24/7 online streaming news

CNN 10 - CNN

CNN 10 – CNN 10 is an on-demand digital news show ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom. (A2-B1)

On This Day - What Happened Today In History | Britannica

On This Day – What Happened Today In History | Britannica This Day In History: anniversaries, birthdays, major events, and time capsules. This day

DOGO News - Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news on science, sports, and more!

DOGO News – Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news on science, sports, and more!https://www.dogonews.comDevelop reading fluency, media literacy and global awareness with award-winning content, read aloud audio, quizzes and vocab games.

News | KidsNews

News | KidsNews from Australia

Learn With News – Learn English With News

Learn With News – Learn English With News With News provides free English learning material for teachers and students. – Real News, Told Simply.™ – Real News, Told Simply.™ News, Told Simply.™ on News For Kids. In today’s news roundup…

News in Easy English – Easy News for ESL Listening

News in Easy English – Easy News for ESL Listening News for ESL Listening. Each week we discuss important news in simple, clear English. We read it slowly to give you a chance to hear every word.

News in Levels

News in Levels News for Students of English

News Quiz - KET Education

News Quiz – KET Education 2020-2021 season of News Quiz will begin on September 10. Episodes will be posted each Thursday by 2 pm ET on PBS LearningMedia.

Latest World Headline News, Breaking News - Newsy®

Latest World Headline News, Breaking News – Newsy® breaking news videos, including world news, science news, tech news, political news with Newsy, the leading online video news site.

One-minute World News - BBC News

One-minute World News – BBC News the latest news summary from BBC World News. International news updated 24 hours a day.

PBS NewsHour: News, Analysis, Top Headlines, Live Coverage

PBS NewsHour: News, Analysis, Top Headlines, Live Coverage PBS NewsHour is an hour-long evening news broadcast, hosted by Judy Woodruff which offers news updates, analysis, live studio interviews, discussions, and foreign and domestic reports to put the day’s news in context.

Home - PBS NewsHour Classroom

Home – PBS NewsHour Classroom based on the PBS NewsHour with focus on civics, ELA & arts, STEM, and media literacy. Also features student and educator writing and public events.

Teaching Kids News - Readable, teachable news.

Teaching Kids News – Readable, teachable news.https://teachingkidsnews.comReadable, teachable news. – Sometimes the news is challenging or frightening. Here are our tips for talking to kids about difficult news.

The Local - Sweden's news in English

The Local – Sweden’s news in English about Sweden’s News in English. Links to European local news.

The Times in Plain English |

The Times in Plain English | Writing, Global Reading, Reporting from Great Newspapers for Today’s Readers

The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor A poem each day, plus literary and historical notes from this day in history

The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor poem each day, plus literary and historical notes from this day in history



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Ireland – Lessons

A Theme Page about the Republic of Ireland with lesson materials for A2-B1-level students.
Related Pages: Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day


Ireland | The Island of Ireland

Ireland | The Island of Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth. To its east is the larger island of Great Britain, from which it is separated by the Irish Sea.



Ireland Song | Learn Facts About Ireland the Musical Way - YouTube

Ireland Song | Learn Facts About Ireland the Musical Way – YouTube (4:25) this song that celebrates Ireland composed with Irish instruments, like the tin whistle and pan – Stop when it gets too difficult (yr 5-B1)



Irish_Music - YouTube

Irish_Music – YouTube (1:46) great catchy song for children. This song comes from KiwiKids. Published purely for educational purposes. (yr 5-6)

The Dubliners - Molly Malone - YouTube

The Dubliners – Molly Malone Lyrics – YouTube (3:11)“Molly Malone” is a popular 19th century song and is also known as “Cockles and Mussels” or “In Dublin’s Fair City.” (yr 5-B1) Worksheet

Molly Malone Statue, Song, and Legend-Dublin, Ireland- YouTube

Molly Malone Statue, Song, and Legend-Dublin, Ireland- YouTube (2:53)“Molly Malone” is a popular 19th-century song and also known as “Cockles and Mussels” or “In Dublin’s Fair City.” (yr 8-B1) Who was Molly Malone?

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling with Lyrics - YouTube

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling with Lyrics – YouTube (0:49) SONGS When Irish Eyes Are Smiling with Lyrics/ Words for sing-a-long sung by Charles Szabo (yr 5-7)



How To Pronounce Traditional Irish Names! (Part 1) - YouTube

How To Pronounce Traditional Irish Names! (Part 1) – YouTube (3:04) to pronounce traditional Irish names! Ever wondered how to say “Saoirse Ronan” correctly? Well here you go! 😀 (yr 5-B1) Part 2 (6:57)

Irish Slang Terms You Need To Know

Irish Slang Terms You Need To Know the hidden meanings behind ubiquitous Irish slang terms such as ‘craic’, ‘grand’ and ‘jacks.’ Watch video


Lesson Plans

ESL Lesson Plan on Pronunciation - Breaking News English Lesson

ESL Lesson Plan on Pronunciation – Breaking News English Lesson News Lessons: Free 26-Page lesson plan / 2-page mini-lesson – Pronunciation in Ireland- In three levels, choose level 4 (yr 7-8) level 5 (yr 8-9) level 6 (yr 9-B1)

Irish Culture for Teens worksheet

Irish Culture for Teens worksheet culture online worksheet for A2-B1. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. (yr 8-B1)


English Reading Practice – Ireland

English Reading Practice – Ireland English reading practice article: Ireland is an island in the northwest of Europe. (yr 6-7) For more country facts, go to

The Great Famine - An Gorta M?r

The Great Famine – An Gorta Mor famine is when there is a very severe shortage or lack of food for a large number of people. During a famine, there is hunger, malnutrition, starvation, and often death among the people. Ireland had its worst famine in 1845 when the Great Famine occurred. It lasted until about 1850 (yr 7-9)

The Great Famine in Ireland, 1845-1849 - English speaking Countries

The Great Famine in Ireland, 1845-1849 – English speaking Countries potato was the principal source of nutrition for the vast majority of the poorer classes because this crop produced more food per acre than wheat and could also be used to generate income. (yr 8-B1) Watch a video

Secrets of Blarney Castle | Travel + Leisure

Secrets of Blarney Castle | Travel + Leisure Castle is not the biggest castle in Ireland, nor is it the oldest. (That honor goes to Kilbrittain Castle, about an hour south.) (yr 8-B1)



elllo #404 Ireland

elllo #404 Ireland of the most important symbols of Ireland is the shamrock. – Listening exercise (yr 5-7) 



The Republic of Ireland - YouTube (2:43)

The Republic of Ireland – YouTube (2:43) main facts about the island of Ireland in easy English ELI Publishing (yr 5-7)

Ireland - YouTube

Ireland – YouTube (3:56) descriptive video describing some of Ireland’s cultural aspects (yr 6-8)

Introducing Ireland - YouTube

Introducing Ireland – YouTube (2:43) exploring Ireland with Lonely Planet’s video guide to getting around, when to go and the top things to do while you’re there.#LonelyPlanet #Ireland (yr 8-B1) Lesson plan

Irish Stereotypes - YouTube

Irish Stereotypes – YouTube (1:46)“I’ve never eaten Corned Beef & Cabbage” – bunking some Irish stereotypes. Use the CC subtitles (yr 8-B1)

Irish Food & What to Eat in Ireland - Visit Ireland - YouTube

Irish Food & What to Eat in Ireland – Visit Ireland – YouTube (9:23), Lamb & Shepard’s Pie are probably the three most common Irish foods that people think of, but visiting Ireland will be quite an amazing culinary experience for the travelers (yr 8-B1)



ESL Discussions: Conversation Questions: Speaking Lesson: IRELAND

ESL Discussions: Conversation Questions: Speaking Lesson: IRELAND Discussions: Free worksheet and online activity on Ireland. (yr 7-B1)


Ireland activity

Ireland activity culture online exercise. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf.

Ireland worksheets

Ireland worksheets to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: If you want to download you have to send your own contributions.


More Materials

Irish Dance Lesson Plans and Resources | FreshPlans

Irish Dance Lesson Plans and Resources | FreshPlans standards for art, social studies, and physical education all at the same time with a study of Irish dance. Irish step dancing has been practiced widely in Irish-American communities throughout the U.S. for many years, but it only came to the notice of the general public when Riverdance became… Continue reading



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Friends 5-9

A Theme Page about friends and friendships for elementary and intermediate level students (A2-B1)
Related Pages: Friends and Friendship 7-9, Love & Romance, 8-9 Valentine’s Day, 1-6, Valentine’s Day, 7-9


Desert Critters on Vimeo

Desert Critters on Vimeo Desert Fox finds his everyday life ruined when he gets tailed by a younger puppy that just wants to be his friend!

We're Going to be Friends - YouTube

We’re Going to be Friends – YouTube (2:21) drawings set to The White Stripes, We’re Going to be Friends (yr 5-7) Another version for older students

Video Lesson - Friendship Soup Recipe - YouTube

Video Lesson – Friendship Soup Recipe – YouTube (3:12) is the recipe for friendship? In this video, kids describe the ingredients that go into making friends (yr 6-7)



Toy Story - You've got a friend in me - YouTube

Toy Story – You’ve got a friend in me – YouTube (2:10)“You’ve got a friend in me” music from Disney toy story, with lyrics

Song Worksheet: You've Got a Friend by Carole King (WITH VIDEO)

Song Worksheet: You’ve Got a Friend by Carole King (WITH VIDEO) is a beautiful song which enables us to discuss friendship. I used this worksheet for a conversation class, my students just loved it!

With a Little Help From My Friends Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr. En Vivo - YouTube

With a Little Help From My Friends Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr – YouTube (2:53) McCartney & Ringo Starr playing and singing together in 2009! With a Little Help From My Friends | Live

Sylvain Kustyan - Friends - Friendship - YouTube

Sylvain Kustyan – Friends – Friendship – YouTube (3:28) song is an invitation to dreams, sharing and friendship! Don’t hesitate to leave comments!



Friendships - Vocab | Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Friendships – Vocab | Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab friends is important to personal happiness. Listen and learn. (yr 6-9)

10 Idioms About Friendship and Relationships [Infographic]

10 Idioms About Friendship and Relationships [Infographic]“Make friends”, “Build bridges”, “Man’s best friend”. Learn new idioms about friendship. Discover new phrases and build your English vocabulary. (yr 6-9)

Expressions Related to Friendship Nessa Palmer ESL TOP TEN - YouTube

Expressions Related to Friendship Nessa Palmer ESL TOP TEN – YouTube (9:33) you told your best friend how awesome they are today? I’m sure your BFF would love to hear from you. Expand your everyday English vocabulary by learning some new phrases about friendship. (yr 7-9)


Lesson Plans

Friendship | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Friendship | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC this lesson pupils celebrate friendship. First, learners are introduced to the topic of friendship through simple drawings. Then they join in a teacher-led discussion about what makes a good friend. (yr 5-7)

Lesson 38: She's My Best Friend!

Lesson 38: She’s My Best Friend! this lesson, Anna’s best friend from her hometown, Penelope, visits Washington, D.C. Anna tells Penelope about her friends and her job. Is Penelope going to make a change in her life? (yr 6-7)

A friend in need | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council

A friend in need | LearnEnglish Teens – British Council knows she has done something stupid. Luckily, Makayla is there to listen and offer advice. (yr 7-9)

Breaking News English ESL Lesson Plan on Friends

Breaking News English ESL Lesson Plan on Friends new health report says that having good friends in your old age helps you live longer.  – Reading comprehension in two levels (yr 7-9)

What Does It Mean To Be a Good Friend? | Wonderopolis

What Does It Mean To Be a Good Friend? | Wonderopolis’s Wonder of the Day takes a closer look at what makes those closest to you so special!

Conversations and Making Friends | College of Continuing & Professional Studies

Conversations and Making Friends | College of Continuing & Professional Studies you want to make American friends, you may need to take the first step. Research shows that US students often don’t initiate relationships with international students (yr 8-B1)

Inseparable | Film English

Inseparable | Film English EFL lesson plan is designed around a short film called Inseparable by Nick White and the theme of relationships. (yr 8-B1)

Friendship & vulnerability | TED-Ed

Friendship & vulnerability | TED-Ed often think that the best way to have friends is to be deeply impressive and accomplished. The School of Life explains how the route to true friendship always flows through vulnerability. (yr 8-B1)

Friends | ESL Lesson Plan | Your English Pal

Friends | ESL Lesson Plan | Your English Pal ESL lesson plan on friends for adults and young adults at an intermediate (B1/B2) to advanced (C1/C2) level.



Best Friends Reading worksheet

Best Friends Reading worksheet comprehension online worksheet for Grade 3. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf.

7 Things You Should Stop Expecting from Others

7 Things You Should Stop Expecting from Others biggest disappointments in our lives are often the result of misplaced expectations. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships and interactions with others. (yr 9-B1)


Enemy Pie read by Camryn Manheim

Enemy Pie, read by Camryn Manheim – YouTube (9:49) was the perfect summer. – How to make a friend of your enemy. (yr 5-6)

Pre-Intermediate Listening | Best Friends | esl-lounge Student

Pre-Intermediate Listening | Best Friends | esl-lounge Student Friends. Laura asks Mike some questions about friendship to complete a survey. – Check the ads before showing to students (yr 5-7)

Friends and friendship - Interactive worksheet

Friends and friendship – Interactive worksheet Perfect interactive and downloadable worksheet. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf.

New Friends | Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

New Friends | Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab needs new, long-lasting friends. Listen and learn. (yr 7-8)

The Ideal Friend - Interview - Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

The Ideal Friend – Interview – Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab video discuss the qualities and characteristics of the ideal friend. Randall Davis from Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab (yr 7-8)

Friends | Joey Doesn't Share Food! (INTERMEDIATE (B1)) — Fluentize

Friends | Joey Doesn’t Share Food! INTERMEDIATE (A2 -B1) — Fluentize these ESL lesson plans, students watch a video clip from the TV series ‘Friends’. They include discussion questions and conversation activities – that you need to register for, but the videos are great even without them. (yr 8-9)

Best Friend | ESL Video

Best Friend | ESL Video a near future, a lonely man is addicted to a product called ‘’Best Friend” which offers him perfect virtual friends. (yr 8-B1)

Besties, Buds, BFFs ... Friends!

Besties, Buds, BFFs … Friends! often say, “You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends.” This expression means that our friends are the people we choose to have in our lives. (yr 8-B1)



CGI Animated Shorts :

CGI Animated Shorts: “Playmate” – YouTube matter how old you are, a toy is a kid’s best friend – Watch – discuss – write

English - Friends (A1-A2 - with subtitles)

English – Friends (A1-A2 – with subtitles) – YouTube (2:25) many friends do you have? What do you do together? We talk about friendship with some young native speakers. (yr 5-7)

U1 Your views - YouTube

U1 Your views – YouTube (2:10) interview with young people telling their views about good friends. (yr 7) 

How the Internet Is Changing Friendship - The Atlantic

How the Internet Is Changing Friendship – The Atlantic are different categories for friendship in social science, but the boundaries are becoming more fluid as Facebook allows us to keep in touch with people we might otherwise not. (yr 8-B1)

Why men and women can't be friends –[Multimedia-English videos]

Why men and women can’t be friends –[Multimedia-English videos] we are at the Utah State University library for some interviewing to ask people if they believe that men and women can be just friends, so let’s go inside and see what we can find. (yr 8-B1)

100 Year Old Best Friends –[Multimedia-English videos]

100 Year Old Best Friends –[Multimedia-English videos] funny. Watch these two 100-year-old best friends on TV giving their opinion about some modern issues in pop culture. (yr 8-B1)



Friends Conversation Questions |

Friends Conversation Questions | EnglishPost.org you want to maximize speaking time in the classroom? If so, let’s chat about friends with these Friends Conversation Questions.

Friends Conversation Questions - PRINT DISCUSS

Friends Conversation Questions – PRINT DISCUSS you a good friend? Is it possible for men and women to be friends? Do you have any friends who are much older or younger than you?

More Questions



Friends | Fun ESL Activities For Kids | Gru Languages

Friends | Fun ESL Activities For Kids | Gru Languages from a selection of fun ESL activities and games. Designed to help students learn and practise language and vocabulary related to friends.  – Sign-up required.

Free ESL Interview English Lesson – How would your best friend describe you?“How would your best friend describe you?”This answer can be short. Use keywords that show how you are a good fit for this position.



A Good Friend vs A Bad Friend ESL Exercise Worksheet Good Friend vs A Bad Friend ESL Exercise WorksheetWhat does a good friend and a bad friend do? A fun ESL categorizing exercise worksheet for kids to study and learn the qualities of a good friend and a bad friend. Read the sentences below and write them in the correct chart.

More Materials

Sitcoms in ESL Class? Why the “Friends” TV Series Is Fantastic for Teaching English | FluentU English Educator Blog

Sitcoms in ESL Class? Why the “Friends” TV Series Is Fantastic for Teaching English | FluentU English Educator Blog the Friends TV series into your classroom for fun, relevant English lessons! Here are 3 simple teaching steps for maximum entertainment and learning.

FRIENDSHIP Resources « Chestnut ESL/EFL




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Why Chinese in the English Class?

Every year, WebEnglish suggests Chinese New Year be mentioned in English classes. Does this seem odd?  Let me explain.

A big part of English studies is to present cultural phenomena in English-speaking countries. In all major cities in Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand there is a large population with a Chinese background. Chinese culture is alive and clearly visible both in and out of the Chinatowns of these cities. In a suburb of Sydney, I recently learned that 80 % of the population is of Chinese origin. No wonder Sydney is known to have the most magnificent Chinese New Year celebration outside China.

Also, you may have students in your class who have Chinese cultural background. Bringing up the topic of their greatest annual celebration will boost their self-esteem and curb potential racism against them.

I have a third, personal reason for this. I actually used to live in China, working as an English teacher for future businessmen and women. Those two years gave me an understanding and respect for this ancient culture and the people who are really loving and friendly – once you get to know them.

2023 Calendars

This article was first posted on 31 Dec 2021.

I love Calendars! At the beginning of every term, I used to love filling in the new calendar. It felt like Christmas to see all those days line up like presents in front of me. Somehow, they predicted my imminent future with secret promises for every day.

Every so often I would start the lesson by telling my students of this special day and letting them listen to parts of Garrison Keillor’s program Writer’s Almanac (See below: Radio – Garrison Keillor). WebEnglish Calendar gives you ideas and lesson materials for many holidays, but to cover every day of the whole year, here is a list of other calendars to brighten up the beginning of your class.

Lesson Ideas with Daily Calendars

  • Lesson Starter: read / listen and discuss what happened on that day/week in history.
  • Reading / Listening: Let students write/tell in their own words what they caught up in the text/audio.
  • Student Project: Let students choose a date, either in the near future (eg. a month) or their birthday that they explore in the various calendars, choose what they like, and tell their classmates about it, preferably on the actual day.
  • Sub Plan: Let the substitute teacher have students explore the day at hand, choose what they like, and make presentations for you to see when you are back. It could be called “The Day My Teacher Was Out”.

105 Unique Holidays for Kids - Fun & Wacky Ideas for ALL Year!

105 Unique Holidays for Kids – Fun & Wacky Ideas for ALL Year!

Looking for boredom busters? Grab this list of over 100 unique holidays and find something fun to celebrate as a family! Wacky & weird holidays every month!

Calendar – ESL Library

Calendar – ESL Library monthly calendar with suggested lesson plans from

Days Of The Year

Days Of The Year ultimate guide to worldwide events, festivals, funny, weird, and wonderful holidays.

Fun Holidays - Fun, Wacky & Trivial Holidays

Fun Holidays – Fun, Wacky & Trivial Holidays list and links to several holidays from around the world for every day of the year

On This Day in History, 1 januari

Radio - Garrison Keillor | Garrison Keillor

Radio – Garrison Keillor | Garrison Keillor old Writer’s Almanac is now on Garrison Keillor’s own website. He tells about each day’s history (yr 9)

Starfall: Learn to Read with Phonics, Learn Mathematics

Starfall: Let’s Make a Calendar fun calendar for Young Learners. Create your own with your students every month.

The Teacher's Corner - Calendars

The Teacher’s Corner – Calendars up-to-date on the current events! In the calendars below, you can find: Birthdays of authors, famous people… National Holidays… Monthly celebrations…


UpTo Holidays. One per day – could be used as writing prompts.



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Starting a New Term

If you are still on holiday, disregard this post and look it up a day or two before your first class.

A typical way to start a new term after a holiday is to ask the students what they did during the holidays. Some students dread these questions, as they didn’t do anything that they find worth telling, or perhaps there is nothing good to tell.  That is why I have used these cards and started by telling my students that I know what they did!

I give the cards to student groups of 4-5.  They either choose their own or deal them out surreptitiously within each group. Now they can come up with an imaginative story and tell it to the others first in groups and then one from each group tells their story to the whole class.

There are many more New Year activities on the updated New Year Theme Page.

Lesson starters can also be used for the first lesson. Why not continue throughout the year?

WebEnglish recommends leaving the planning for the Spring term to the second lesson and letting the first lesson be all about relationships and a welcoming atmosphere. Remember to have fun!

Should you be starting with a new class, there are various getting-to-know activities for Year 1-6 and Year 7-9.


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Happy New Year 2023

WebEnglish wishes you a happy New Year!

Keep enjoying your holiday, knowing that WebEnglish will publish all updated term planning pages on Sunday, Jan 4th. Do not open them until a day or two before your first class.


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